Collaborative Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Program

Team Members

Rosa NomenIQS - URL,
Luis Aaron MartinezUCA El 

Magda Faijes

IQS-URL Barcelona

Elaine Scott

Santa Clara University

Description and Objectives

Within the IAJES network, some universities offer Ph.D. programs in engineering, while others do not. Those universities without Ph.D. programs generally hire instructors without doctoral degrees, hoping to send them abroad through scholarships. However, this route is often challenging for many people because of family commitments or other limitations. The idea of a Collaborative Ph.D. and PostDoc Program consists of using the resources in our network's most advanced engineering programs and helping train instructors interested in pursuing their Ph.D.s. and Postdoctoral research. 

Collaborative Ph.D.

The Collaborative Ph.D. program follows the following principles:

Collaborative Post Doc

An extension of the Collaborative Ph.D. program is the Collaborative Post Doctoral Research Program. This program aims the interest of faculty in developing nations to improve their research skills, working with colleagues involved in high-level research within their discipline. In developing countries, mainly applied research is conducted, which could be limited in originality and scope. By getting involved in top-notch research, faculty from developing countries could learn new techniques, update their competencies and start new research topics in their countries, collaborating with international colleagues. The program follows the following guidelines:

Main Results

Institutions interested in receiving candidates

IQS Barcelona

Santa Clara University

Deusto Tech

ITESO, Guadalajara

Institutions interested in sending candidates

UCA El Salvador

Universidad Iberoamericana- León, México

PUCE, Ecuador

ITESO, Guadalajara

UCAC-ICAM, Cameroon

Université Loyola du Congo, Congo

Arrupe Jesuit University, Zimbabwe

Xavier Institute of Engineering, Mahim (West), Mumbai

Loyola Icam College of Engineering and Technology (LICET), Chennai

Andhra Loyola Institute of Engineering and Technology (ALIET), Vijayawada

Ateneo de Davao University (ADDU), Philippines

Xavier University (XU), Philippines

IAJES PhD+Postdoc Deans RNomen & MDRovira.pdf

Case Study

In the past, this initiative has been conducted between IQS Barcelona and UCA El Salvador. So far, three people have been awarded Ph.D.s through this initiative. Also, research ties between IAJES institutions have been strengthened.